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Class ScreenCheckSetup

Setup options for screencheck. Allows optional configuration of base directory, run id, reference run id, and filename generator function.


  • ScreenCheckSetup



Optional baseDir

baseDir: undefined | string

The base directory for screenshot storage. When null or empty will default to the environment current working directory.

Optional filenameGenerator

filenameGenerator: FilenameGenerator

A function that produces a filename for a given screenshot request.

Optional refRunId

refRunId: undefined | string

An identifier for the reference run. Internally this value is used as a relative path, so values that contain path separators are handled as expected.

Defaults to 0000.auto if no directory is found matching the pattern \d+\.auto, otherwise will equal the latest detected directory of that format.

Optional runId

runId: undefined | string

An identifier for the current run. Internally this value is used as a relative path, so values that contain path separators are handled as expected.

Defaults to 0001.auto when no reference directory exists, otherwise 0002.auto, 0003.auto etc.

note: this value when unset will autoincrement every time the screenshot module is loaded - usually once per test run.

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